Taking Risks In Leadership

Today marks the beginning of a giant change in our student ministry. It’s scary and has the capacity to crush any and all momentum we’ve ever experienced. This week, I’d like to tell the story of how God led us to take that big risk.

Making moves in ministry is dangerous. Making moves can influence someone to downsize their involvement level. Making moves can hurt peoples’ feelings. Making moves can change someone’s perspective about the church.

But when God calls you to do something, you’d better get moving.

That was the thought that crossed my mind on March 1, 2010. I was sitting in my car, waiting to meet someone. They were super-late. That usually bugs the heck out of me, but I was re-reading “The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry” by Andy Stanley, Lane Jones, and Reggie Joiner and didn’t mind waiting (by the way, if you haven’t read it yet, what the crap are you doing reading my blog?!). I came across a line that jarred me into a line of thinking I wasn’t ready for.

“Maybe you need to eliminate what works, so something else can work better.”   (Page 106, “Seven Practices of Effective Ministry”)

At that moment, I knew what I needed to do. I didn’t know the specifics, but I knew what I needed to kill, and I knew what it needed to be replaced with (I plan to talk a lot about this change over the next week, so don’t worry – details are coming). The comfort in knowing that God was leading me to make those decisions was overwhelming, but comforting. It wasn’t on me to figure out the replacement. Sure, I’ve had to work through some details, but I’m OK with that as long as I know I’m on the track God wants us on.

My point is this, though. When God plants a big vision deep in your soul, what do you do with it?

What did Noah do when God told him to build an ark?
What did Abraham do when God asked him to get up and go?
What did Moses do when God told him to lead a group of people on the longest journey he could imagine?
What did Daniel do when God let him be taken captive?
What did David do when he was selected to slay the giant?
What did Nehemiah do when his city needed him?
What did Job do when every comfort he had was gone?

They followed with reckless abandon, because our Heavenly Father is worth following!

He’s all-knowing. Are you nervous about where He’s taking you?
He’s all-powerful. Are you afraid He can’t give you the strength?
He’s the Creator. Are you afraid He isn’t able to make things happen?
He’s our Provider. Are you wondering if taking this risk will leave you in need?
He’s our Father. Do you think He’d lead you astray?

Is it possible that God might be calling you to take a risk this year? What will your response be? Are you ready to cast fear out and lean in to what God is leading you to do?