Full-Disclosure Friday: Volume 01

There are times when I type out a tweet and delete it. Likewise, there have been countless blog posts that I have sent to the trash bin, because I feel like it’s a little too forthcoming.

And then, sometimes, I can’t help but think that others are going through the same struggles that I am. And that, maybe, we can find some hope together, as we process what God is helping us to walk through.

Each post will contain one disclosure. If you feel like commenting, go for it. If you’d rather experience the community silently, that’s cool too. I just feel like, as a pastor, someone needs to say it out loud. And here it is…

I constantly compare myself to other people.

I compare the fruit of my ministry to other pastors. I compare my passion to that of other Christ-followers. I compare stats, attendance, and style.

Somewhere down the line, I bought the lie that comparison was a worthy exercise. It’s not. It’s a trap.

But deep inside, I know that there’s a desire to be known, appreciated, and needed. I hate it but it’s there. And I have to wrestle with that.

But maybe, instead of just hating that it’s there, I should look at it from a different angle; because this snare points to something. It is a big, flashy, Vegas-style arrow sign that points to the fact that it is a good thing to be known by God.

Through times of intense prayer, I allow God to remind me that I am loved and that my identity is that I am His son! Through His Word, I am brought to a place of peace and rest in Him.

What business do I have putting my self-worth in things of this world?The One who knows all knows me. That’s a pretty big deal! Thank you, Jesus for your patience with me, when I constantly run to other sources for approval. May we always look to you for our identity!