Most leaders that have any sense of direction-consciousness set goals.
Setting goals is great.
Until you set them too low.
We serve a universe-creating God.
We serve a grave-robbing God.
We worship a life-rescuing God.
And we set tiny goals?
What the heck is that all about?
My definition of a big, hairy, audacious goal is that it is too big for me to accomplish on my own. Bill Hybels, of Willow Creek Community Church, says that these are big goals – SCARY big. They are so big that “they require the supernatural activity of God.” (emphasis mine)
Do you want to set goals that you can accomplish or goals that God has to accomplish? Perry Noble said it this way: “If everything in your church is unexplainable, God didn’t do it.”
Steven Furtick says in Sun Stand Still that “if your problems are too big for you, then they are just the right size for God.”
Aren’t goals just problems we’re trying to solve?
So what goals have you set for your life? Family? Job? Ministry?
Are they scary big?
Do they literally intimidate you?
If not, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.
Recommended Reading:
Built To Last by Jim Collins
Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick