Today, our local schools let out because of snow. I live in Arkansas. We don’t get snow very often, but when we do, the town goes nuts. Most don’t have any desire to get out in it, but some don’t mind. Regardless, when the decision gets made to cancel school, there are always those that criticize the decision; even if they may have been saved from a car accident.
When you’re in a position of leadership, your decisions will always be questioned and criticized. There will always be people who think you made a bad judgment call. And if you dwell in the criticism, you’ll eventually be so paralyzed by fear that you won’t be able to make good decisions in the future anyway.
Leadership isn’t leadership if it dwells in fear.
Leadership isn’t leadership if it’s people-pleasing.
Leadership is making the decisions that need to be made.
Andy Stanley says it this way:
“The leader who refuses to move until the fear is gone will never move. Consequently, he will never lead.”
Andy Stanley, “Next Generation Leader” p. 55
So, the next time you’re afraid to make a decision because you’re afraid of what people will think, remember this: They will criticize you no matter what. Critics criticize. That’s what they do. If you move, they’ll criticize. If you don’t move, they’ll criticize. What’s the worth in not doing what you know you need to do?
Be bold. Lead.